
2018-12-04 10:27:19Patty Chen#TALK Intelligent Image Editing

#TALK Intelligent Image Editing
#TIME December 12, 2018
Wednesday 14:20-17:20PM
#VENUE R220, 2F Engineering Building 4, NCTU
#SPAEKER Associate Prof. Jiaying Liu
Peking University, Chin
#HOST Prof. Wen-Huang Cheng 鄭文皇 / Inst. of Electronics, NCTU
Intelligent image editing is a fundamental topic in image processing which has witnessed rapid progress in the last two decades. Due to various degradations in the image and video capturing, transmission and storage, image and video include many undesirable effects, such as low resolution, low light condition, rain streak and rain drop occlusions. The recovery of these degradations is ill-posed. With the wealth of statistic-based methods and learning-based methods, this problem can be unified into the cross-domain transfer, which cover more tasks, such as image stylization.
In our tutorial, we will discuss recent progresses of image stylization, rain streak/drop removal, image super-resolution, and low light image enhancement. This tutorial covers both traditional statistics based and deep-learning based methods, and contains both biological-driven model, i.e. Retinex model, and data-driven model.

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