
2021-09-09 14:01:22陳秋雲0909陽明交大防疫通報(9/13至9/26所有課程一律線上教學)NYCU Epidemic Prevention Announcement

In order to minimize Covid-19 risks on campus, we updated the Covid-19 restrictions that will be implemented after the first day of school as follows.
課程與考試 Curriculum & Exam
1.  9/13至9/26所有課程一律線上教學。
All classes will be held online from Sept. 13 to Sept. 26.
2.  為降低宿舍群聚風險,部分教室開放住宿生線上上課使用,教室內仍應遵守相關防疫規範。教室開放線上學習相關規定請詳見教務處公告。
 To reduce the risk of cluster infections, we will open some classrooms for resident students to watch online learning materials. All students who enter these classrooms for online learning should follow the COVID-19 prevention guidelines. The information about the abovementioned classrooms will be announced on the Office of Academic Affairs’s website.
3.   9/27後之課程,若能遵循以下防疫措施,可採實體上課:
Courses that can adhere to the following guidelines can be held in-person after Sept. 27:
A.  依據中央疫情指揮中心防疫規定,教室內上課人數上限為80人,固定座位。師生須全程配戴口罩、禁止飲食、落實手部消毒,人員間應維持社交距離1.5公尺/人(梅花座),並落實實聯制。進入教室前須先量測體溫及登記,上課期間教室需開窗以維持教室通風。進行實驗或實習課程時,應採固定分組,並徹底消毒設備、器材。
According to the CECC’s (Central Epidemic Command Center) regulations in response to COVID 19, the maximum number of people allowed in one classroom is 80      Wearing masks is mandatory at all times and no food or drink is allowed. People should maintain social distance (1.5m), take and register their body temperatures before entering classrooms, and take checkerboard seating as indicated on the seat. Please keep windows wide open during class time to improve indoor air circulation in the classroom. When taking lab or internship courses, student grouping should be fixed throughout the semester. All instruments and accessories used in the course should be sterilized regularly.
B.  實體授課課程之教室若無法符合上項之容量規定、或無可分流之教室,請教師改以:(1)線上與實體並行,或(2)全線上授課方式上課。
If your in-person classes are not able to follow the above regulations regarding the maximum number of people, or there is no extra classroom to distribute students, we suggest our faculty turn to “hybrid classes” or “on-line classes”.
C.  所有實體上課課程均應有線上上課機制(同步或非同步),讓學生(境外生、離島公費生、居家檢疫、個人顧慮等)可以依照個人狀況彈性選擇。
All in-person classes should still provide online options (synchronous or asynchronous) for foreign students, state financed off-shore island students, students under self-quarantine, or other personal considerations, etc.
D.  實體上課師生需於「陽明交大健康管理平台」(https://ehms.nycu.edu.tw)登錄上課當日「健康評估」,每天登錄一次,若有防疫規定不適症狀者,應改為線上上課並儘速就醫。
Teachers and students of in-person classes should login to the “NYCU Electronic Health Management System (EHMS)” (https://ehms.nycu.edu.tw) once a day and register “the assessment of health”. If you have any symptoms of COVID-19, please take your course online and follow the instructions to seek medical attention as soon as possible.
E.  實體上課的班級,建議於上課期間每週隨機抽樣一位同學至衞保組所設快篩地點進行快篩,並鼓勵同學自行篩檢並登錄於健康管理平台。
It is suggested that one in-person class student be randomly selected every week to do the COVID-19 Rapid Testing on campus (please contact the Health and Medical Section for COVID-19 Rapid Testing information) . We encourage all students to do the COVID-19 Rapid Testing and log into EHMS.
  1.   教室應依照相關防疫規定進行消毒及清潔,並保持室內通風良好。室內使用冷氣或中央空調時,應於教室對角處各開啟一扇門或窗,每扇至少開啟 15 公分。室內若通風不佳,可增設抽風扇或立扇加強對流。僅有一門之教室應避免使用。
The classroom should be sanitized and cleaned under the epidemic prevention regulations, and improve air circulation. It is suggested that at least one door and one window be open in all classrooms to provide cross ventilation, the windows should be open approximately 15 cm. If indoor air quality is poor, it is suggested to utilize ceiling fans or portable fans. Classes should not be held in classrooms that have only one door.
防疫篩檢 Covid-19 Health Screening 
1. 新舊生大規模篩檢照常舉行,教職員生可自願參加。
The Covid-19 Health Screening Service will still be provided from Sept. 10 to Sept. 12 on Yangming and Chiaotung Campuses. All students, faculty members and staffs can make an appointment and participate.
2. 兩校區設置篩檢亭,有需要的教職員工生,自8/24起可上網預約報名篩檢。
The two campuses have set up  COVID-19 screening booths. Faculty members, students, and staffs who need to do the COVID-19 rapid-testing (screen) can make appointments online from 8/24.
3.  各教職員出國返國,自主管理七天期滿後,仍應提供快篩陰性證明始得返校。
Faculty members and staffs who return to Taiwan from foreign countries must adhere to the 7-day self-health management protocols, then provide a COVID-19 rapid test with a negative result to the school when arriving back to the campus. 
NYCU Covid-19 Response Team