
2021-04-16 10:26:35陳秋雲NYCU Glocal Digital Service & Innovation Competition(即日起至5/30截止報名),歡迎陽明交大學、碩、博士生參賽哦~

本校國際處為提高本地生與境外生國際交流機會,並增進學生與企業的友善連結互動,邀請LINE Corporation及HTC Deep Q共襄盛舉,舉辦首屆NYCU Glocal Digital Service & Innovation Competition,活動主題與健康醫療相關,參賽學生運用企業夥伴提供的工具進行創意發想,完成成果發表,優勝者有機會獲得獎金及企業實習機會,活動相關資訊請參考國際處官網。
The NYCU Global Design & Innovation Competition is a 3-day event aimed to inspire innovations in a post-pandemic world, with a focus on creating innovative digital and touchless services for promoting our health and well-being. Participants will be provided with tutorials, technical support, and mentors during the event. Please visit OIA website for more details.